palm kernel oil refinery machinery

    In order to get  better qualified oil ,  palm kernel oil refinery machinery is needed in every oil refinery .KMEC is a professional supplier of palm kernel oil refinery machinery in China. We offer the best machinery with the most competitive price to the customer all over the world. Join us and have your own palm kernel oil refinery plant .
palm kernel oil refinery machinery
   There are several ways to extract oil from palm kernels. Mechanical extraction processes are suitable for both small- and large- capacity operations. The three basic steps in palm kernel oil processing plant: they are kernel pretreatment, palm kernel pressing, and oil refinery.
   After pressing process, there are many impurities in the crude palm kernel oil, which might have bad influence on the oil’s sensory and edible qualities. Therefore, it is necessary to refine the crude oil.In another word, without oil refinery , the crude oil is not edible for human being.
refined palm kernel oil
   Considering the need of palm kernel refinery machinery and the customs' requirement, we selects best technology and superior equipment fabrication and automatic control system, which provides perfect technique and service to satisfy the customs' refining requirement and to create first-class refining process with our professional palm kernel refinery machinery .


   Contact us to get more information if you are interested in our palm kernel oil refinery machinery. We are always ready to serve you.